My world of Creativity

My world of Creativity

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Fire

In Science, we learn that to light a fire, we need carbon, heat and oxygen... ...
In real life, in us, our soul and spirit, there's no carbon there's no oxygen, there's no heat... ...
So, what does it take to light the fire in our lives... ...
Is it the happy memories we had together,
is it the feeling of joy and hope,
is it the presence of our friends,
that lit the fire of a part of our life,
that keeps the fire burning till the very end of time... ...???
what does it really take ... to keep the fire in life to keep burning???
Is it the constant contact between friends and family,
Is it the constant exchange of our own life experiences,
or... is it the care and the longing to keep in touch??
If this is right... why do i feel pain,
As if the fire has burn its candle to its very end as I am holding it,
Burning my hand, leaving a disgusting mark on the very palm of my hand.
And neither no medical help nor plastic surgery can help me heal the wound nor to cover the horrid scar that scares people away...
Is it my fault??
Is it me??
Is it my fault to keep the fire burning for too long??
Is it me that scares people away??
Leaving me in loneliness, in pain, in sorrow...
As for now, I shall stop... I shall put the fierce fire out...
For no one, nobody can help me do it but only myself...
the fire that kept on burning me...
for keeping the memories of you fresh in the depths of my mind...
And now i shall put it out and leave the candle behind as I move on,
On my journey of life, to seek for a better candle that is better than this,
A candle that is longer than i could imagine, that will never come to an end,
that won't burn anything except itself, harmless to others and that will light up the road to keep me on track, that will keep me going on.

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